Thursday, September 3, 2020

Univerzitet u Beogradu , Filoloski fakultet Essays -

Univerzitet u Beogradu , Filoloski fakultet Spanski jezik , knjizevnost I kultura Spanski jezik 1 R ezime teksta Dr Ana Kuzmanovic Beograd , decembar 2016. Uvod Udzbenik Svet hispanistike napisan je 2011. godine kako bi se u velikoj meri studentima hispanistike olaksalo upoznavanje sa kulturom I civilizacijom spanskog govornog podrucja. Autori udzbenika kazu da ova knjiga ima ambiciju da predstavlja neku vrstu vodica kroz svet hispanistike. Mi cemo se u ovom rezimeu fokusirati na spanski jezik, podrucje na kom se koristi I njegove dijalekte I varijante. Jezik Iz cinjenica navedenih u tekstu, mozemo videti da spanski jezik ili katiljanski (el castellano) spada u velike jezike savremenog sveta I da se govori sirom planete. Zvanican je jezik u Spaniji, zemljama Hispanske Amerike I Ekvatorijalne Gvineje. Spada u grupu romanskih jezika I potice od narodnog govornog latinskog (latin disgusting) koji se govorio na Iberijskom poluostrvu za vreme rimske okupacije. Jedan od jezika koji je najvise uticao na razvoj spanskog jezika je arapski, koji je obogatio spanski recnik u raznim oblastima. Upravo tom periodu, izmedju desetog I trinaestog veka,se kastiljanski konsolidovao kao jezik. Kastiljanski jezik se nametnuo kao jezik Spanije zbog jacanja Kastilje I prevlasti nad ostalim kraljevinama. Danas su jezici tih kraljevina ostali u tragovima u vidu sledecih dijalekata: leonski (leones) asturijski (asturiano) aragonski (aragones) andaluzijski (andaluz) Iako je zvanicni jezik u mnogim zemljama, u govornom jeziku se primecuju velike razlike, pogotovo u zemljama Hispanske Amerike. Zato dolazi do pojava varijanata. Postoje razlicite varijante od kojih su meksicke, argentinske, kubanske I filipinske, kao I ladino, jezik Jevreja Sefarda. U ovim varijantama dolazi do mesanja drugih jezika I kultura okolnih zemalja I naroda sa spanskim jezikom. Autor ovog poglavlja nam u ovom tekstu daje do znanja da jezik mora da ispunjava sledecih pet kriterijuma da bi se smatrao svetskim jezikom: Kohezija Jezik mora da bude razumljiv I da stvara poruku na koherentnom jezickom kodeksu. Zajednistvo Treba da postoji velika zajednica kojoj je taj jezik maternji. Kultura Mora biti povezan sa kulturom I knjizevnoscu koja prevazilazi granice govornog podrucja. Kolonizacija Smatra se da svetski jezici pripadaju narodima koju putuju I osvajaju nove prostore. Trgovina Trgovina omogucava komunikaciju sa drugim narodima. Spanski jezik ispunjava svih pet uslova I njegov uticaj raste sa razvojem kulture I brojnim emigracijama. Dolazimo do jos jedne podele jezika: Medjunarodni jezik - jezik koji se govori u nekoliko zemalja Lingva franka - jezik koji je sredstvo komunikacije ljudi koji imaju razliciti maternji jezik Univerzalni jezik - poseduje odlike oba navedena jezika, ali I usvojen je od strane razlicitih naroda na razlicitim prostorima Jezicka situacija u Spaniji I spanski jezik danas Zvanicni jezik Spanije je kastiljanski ili spanski, medjutim u ustavu Spanije, jezici autonomnih zajednica su takodje prihvaceni. To su: Baskijski (el euskera) Govori se u podrucju Baskije I jedini je jezik koji ne pripada grupi romanskih jezika. Njegovo poreklo je nepoznato. Postoje spekulacije o njegovom poreklu, ali nijedna nije potvrdjena. Galisijski (el gallego) Nastao je od narodnog govornog latinskog jezika I vodi poreklo od galisijko-portugalskog. Zajedno sa spanskim je postao zvanicni jezik Galisije 1981. godine. Katalonski (el catalan) Pripada grupi romanskih jezika. Varijanta katalonskog je valensijski jezik koji se koristi u vecem delu Valensije. Spanski ustav podjednako ceni sve varijante spanskog jezika I one se vode kao kulturna bastina. Varijante jezika se stite pomocu statuta koje raspisuju autonomne pokrajine. Katalonski, galisijski I baskijski su od 2005. godine u upotrebi pri skupovima Evropske unije, sto govori o njihovoj vaznosti I priznatosti. Iako postoji dosta varijanti spanskog, sve su na neki nacin srodne normiranom jeziku, te se govornici razlicitih varijanti I dalje lako razumeju. Autor se u daljem tekstu pita odakle potice prevlast kastiljanskog nad ostalim varijetetima. Bitan faktor jeste istorija I period rekonkiste, kada se Kastija na celu sa kraljicom Izabelom istakla kao pokretac borbe protiv Muslimana I mecena Kristoferu Kolumbu, zahvaljujuci cijim otkricima je Kastilja zagospodarila novim prostranstvima I ucvrstila politicku I jezicku dominaciju u Spaniji. Danas spanski jezik govori kao maternji ili koristi u sluzbene svrhe preko 440 miliona ljudi. Spanski se govori na teritoriji Spanije, Ekvatorijalne Gvineje, u jednom delu Sahare, Severnoj, Srednjoj, Juznoj Americi (sem Brazila I Gvajane) I delovima SAD-a. Spanski jezik je cetvrti na svetu po broju govornika. (Soldatic, Donic, 2011: 47,48) Prva gramatika spanskog jezika napisana je 1492. godine od strane Antonija de Nebrihe. Dalje normiranje I negu jedinstva gramatike, fonetike I recnika nastavila je Spanska kraljevska akademija (Real Academia Espanola) osnovana 1713. godine. Nova gramatika spanskog jezika uvazava

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Escherichia coli Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Escherichia coli - Essay Example E. coli is essentially liable for some intestinal and extra-intestinal contaminations. A portion of these infewctions incluse meningitis, peritonitis, urinary tract contaminations, septicemia, Gram-negative pneumonia and mastitis. In view of the harmfulness properties of the enteric E. coli, these are partitioned into the accompanying: enterotoxigenic, enterotoxigenic, enteroinvasive, verotoxigenic, enterohaemorrhagic and enteroaggregative E. coli. Enterotoxigenic (ETEC), is the causative operator of the runs in people, pigs, sheep, goats, dairy cattle, pooches, and ponies. Enteropathogenic (EPEC) is the causative operator of loose bowels in people, hares, pooches, felines and ponies. Enteroinvasive (EIEC), is discovered uniquely in people, where as verotoxigenic (VTEC) is found in pigs, cows, canines and felines. Enterohaemorrhagic (EHEC) is found in people, steers, and goats, assaulting porcine strains that colonize the gut similarly as human EPEC strains and enteroaggregative E. c oli.. Gastrointestinal Food industry assumes a significant job in the spread of maladies by e-coli. Most sickness has been connected with utilization of half-cooked, tainted ground hamburger. There are likewise veggie lover sources as individuals have additionally gotten sick from eating debased bean grows or new verdant vegetables, for example, lettuce and spinach. Escherichia coli O157:H7 is a main source of food-borne ailment in different pieces of the world. E. coli O157:H7 was first perceived as a reason for sickness in 1982 during a flare-up of serious bleeding looseness of the bowels; the flare-up was followed to defiled cheeseburgers. From that point forward, more contaminations in the United States have been brought about by eating half-cooked ground meat than by some other food. It is a reality dependent on a 1999 gauge that 73,000 instances of contamination and 61 passings happen each year in the United States alone. Unhygienic practices are the primary driver for disease with E.coli O157:H7. The normal manner by which this bacterial contamination influences individuals is grisly the runs, and here and there may likewise be answerable for to kidney disappointment. Disease can likewise be transmitted starting with one individual then onto the next through contact. In addition, disease can likewise come about because of drinking crude milk and in the wake of swimming in or drinking sewage-polluted water. This bacterial has become so normal that there are additionally reports of e-coli in packaged drinking water.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Bite Me: A Love Story Chapter 14

14. The Samurai of Jackson Street II Katusumi Okata had lived among the gaijin for a long time. An American craftsmanship vendor, going through Hokkaido looking for woodblock prints from the Edo time frame, had come into Katusumi's dad's workshop, seen the kid's prints, and offered to bring Okata to San Francisco to make prints for his exhibition on Jackson Street. The printmaker had lived in this equivalent storm cellar loft since. He'd once had a spouse, Yuriko, yet she had been slaughtered before him on the road when he was twenty-three, so now he lived alone. The condo had a solid floor secured by two grass tangles, a table that held his printmaking apparatuses, a two-burner oven, an electric pot, his blades, a futon, three arrangements of garments, an old phonograph, and now, a consumed white lady. She truly didn't go with whatever else, regardless of how he masterminded her. He figured he may make a progression of prints of her-her darkened, skeletal structure presented about the condo like some evil spirit apparition from a Shinto bad dream, however the creation wasn't working. He approached Chinatown and purchased a bundle of red tulips and put them on the futon alongside her, yet even with the additional shading and plan component, the image wasn't working. Furthermore, she was making his futon smell like consumed hair. Okata was not used to organization, and he didn't know how to keep up his finish of the discussion. He had once warmed up to two rodents who came out of an opening in the block divider. He had conversed with them and taken care of them relying on the prerequisite that they not bring any companions, however they hadn't tuned in and he had to mortar up the opening. He figured they didn't communicate in Japanese. To be reasonable, be that as it may, she wasn't doing very well holding up her side of the discussion, either-lying there like a swamp individual dunked in creosote, her mouth open as though in a shout of misery. He sat on a stool close to the futon with his sketch cushion and a pencil and started to portray her for a print. He had particularly appreciated the incredible cape of red twists that spilled out behind her when he'd seen her in the city, and he was grieved that everything except a couple of strands had consumed with smoldering heat in the sun. A disgrace. Maybe he could attract the red twists at any rate. Make them whirl around the darkened rictus like one of Hokusai's waves. He realized what she was, obviously. He was all the while recuperating from his experience with the vampire felines, and it took no smidgen of portraying to fill in the subtleties, particularly as her teeth were pointing unmistakably at his roof at this moment and they were extremely long and sharp to be those of an ordinary copied up white young lady. He filled three pages with outlines, exploring different avenues regarding points and sythesis, yet on the fourth page he found that a trouble had beaten him that he was unable to pursue away with the second made in making a drawing. Katusumi recovered his wakizashi short blade from the remain on his work table, unsheathed it, and stooped by the futon. He bowed profoundly, at that point put the purpose of the blade on the stack of his left thumb and cut. He held his thumb over her open mouth and the dim blood dribbled over her teeth and lips. Would she resemble the felines? Savage? A beast? He held the razor-edged wakizashi prepared in his correct hand, should an evil presence alert. Be that as it may, on the off chance that he'd had the option to raise his cherished Yuriko, even as an evil presence, wouldn't he have? All the years that had passed, kendo preparing, drawing, cutting, contemplating, strolling the roads unafraid, alone, hadn't they all been about that? About creation Yuriko live? Or on the other hand not living without her? At the point when the consumed young lady snapped with an incredible, grating admission of breath, soot split off her ribs and peppered the yellow futon and water started to spill out of the fighter's eyes. RIVERA AND CAVUTO Marvin the dead body hound took them to the Wine Country. There they discovered Bummer and Lazarus, the Emperor's pooches, guarding a Dumpster in a rear entryway behind a deserted structure. Marvin pawed the Dumpster, and attempted to remain focused while the Boston terrier sniffed his garbage and the brilliant retriever glanced around, somewhat humiliated. Scratch Cavuto held the cover, prepared to lift it. â€Å"Maybe we should call the Wong child and check whether our daylight coats are done, at that point open it.† â€Å"It's daylight,† said Rivera. â€Å"Even if there are, uh, animals in there, they'll be immobile.† Rivera despite everything had a troublesome time saying the word â€Å"vampires† so anyone can hear. â€Å"Marvin says there's a body in there, we have to look.† Cavuto shrugged, lifted the cover of the Dumpster and prepared himself for an influx of spoiled meat smell, yet there was none. â€Å"Empty.† Bummer woofed. Marvin pawed along the edge of the Dumpster. Lazarus chuffed, which was hound for, â€Å"Duh. Look behind it.† Rivera glanced in. Other than two or three broken wine bottles and the rice some portion of a taco combo plate, there was nothing in the Dumpster, yet Marvin still pawed at the steel, which was the sign he had been prepared to give when he'd found a cadaver. â€Å"Maybe we should give Marvin a scone to reset him or something,† said Rivera. â€Å"No body, no bread, that is the rule,† said Cavuto. â€Å"We all need to live by it.† At the notice of a roll both Bummer and Marvin halted what they were doing, sat, looked obedient and remorseful, and gave Rivera the â€Å"I require and profoundly merit a biscuit† look. Baffled with what roll prostitutes his companions were, Lazarus went to the side of the Dumpster and began pawing the space among it and the divider, at that point attempted to stuff his gag in behind it. Cavuto shrugged, pulled on a couple of perfectly sized mechanics gloves from his coat pocket, and pulled the concrete squares from under the Dumpster's wheels. Rivera viewed with sickening apprehension as the acknowledgment hit that he was most likely going to get Dumpster schmutz, or more terrible, on his costly Italian suit. â€Å"Man up, Rivera,† Cavuto said. â€Å"There's police work to be done.† â€Å"Shouldn't we call a few regalia in to do it? That is to say, we're detectives.† Cavuto stood up and saw his accomplice. â€Å"You truly accept the motion pictures when James Bond murders thirty folks hand to hand, explodes the mystery den, gets set ablaze, at that point escapes submerged and his tux doesn't get wrinkled, don't you?† â€Å"You can't simply get one of those off the rack,† Rivera said. â€Å"It's a cutting edge fabric.† â€Å"Just give me a hand with this thing, would you?† When the Dumpster was in the back street, the three pooches pretty much dogpiled before the blocked window, Marvin doing his profoundly prepared, â€Å"There's a dead person in here, give me a biscuit† paw scratch, Bummer woofing like he was reporting the huge deal occasion down at Yap-bazaar and everything needed to go, and Lazarus revealing a long, rueful yell. â€Å"Probably in there,† said Cavuto. â€Å"Ya think?† said Rivera. Cavuto had the option to work his fingers between the sheet of pressed wood and the window outline and hauled it out. Before he could even put it aside Bummer had jumped through the window into the dimness. Lazarus pawed the windowsill, at that point jumped after his buddy. Marvin, the corpse hound, stepped back, at that point ruffed twice and hurled his head, which meant, â€Å"No, I'm acceptable, you all approval, simply give me my scone. I'll be here-well, would you take a gander at that-those balls unquestionably need some tongue consideration. No, it's alright, go on without me.† Marvin had a nose that could recognize the same number of various smells as the natural eye could hues, in the scope of sixteen million particular aromas. Lamentably, his doggie cerebrum had a substantially more constrained jargon for offering name to those fragrances and he prepared what he smelled as: dead felines, many, dead people, many, dead rodents, many, crap and small, numerous flavors, none new, and old person who needs a shower; none of which would have given him delay. The smell that he was unable to record, that he didn't have a reaction for, that halted him at the window, was another one: dead, yet not dead. Undead. It was unnerving, and licking his balls quieted him and kept his psyche off the bread that they owed him. Rivera shone his electric lamp around the room. The storm cellar seemed void yet for heaps of flotsam and jetsam and a thick layer of residue and debris over the floor, finished with the paw prints of several felines. He could see the development of Bummer and Lazarus exactly at the edge of the spotlight's pillar. They were scratching at a metal entryway. â€Å"We'll require the crowbar out of the car,† said Rivera. â€Å"You're going in there?† asked Cavuto. â€Å"In that suit?† Rivera gestured. â€Å"There's something down there, one of us has to.† â€Å"You're a goddamn legend, Rivera, that is the thing that you are. A genuine, colored in the worsted fleece and silk mix hero.† â€Å"Yeah, there's that, and you can't fit through the window.† â€Å"Can too,† said Cavuto. After five minutes they were both remaining in the storm cellar, fanning their Surefire ballistic electric lamps through the residue like they were employing quiet light sabers. Rivera drove the route to the steel entryway that the dogs were going at as though somebody had channel taped it to a fox. â€Å"You folks, shut up!† Rivera snapped, and a lot amazingly, Bummer and Lazarus fell quiet and sat. Rivera glanced back at his accomplice. â€Å"That's spooky.† â€Å"Yeah, and commendation Willie Mays that is the main creepy thing going on here.† Cavuto was a profoundly strict San Francisco Giants fan and kneeled at whatever point he passed the bronze sculpture of Willie Mays outside the ball park. â€Å"Good point,† said Rivera. He attempted the entryway, which didn't move, yet it was obvious from the curve blasted through the residue and remains that it had been opened as of late. â€Å"Crowbar,† he stated, coming to back. Cavuto gave him the crowbar and simultaneously took out his firearm from his shoulder holster,

Structured query language: Development

Organized question language: Development Unique Database innovation and the Structured Query Language (SQL) have developed massively as of late. This paper presents consequences of the examination on the chronicled point of view of the advancement of SQL and its proceeding with improvement. Applications from various areas have various prerequisites for utilizing database innovation and SQL. This paper additionally presents a review on meaning of the Standard Query Language, and featured the few advantages and produce writing on dangers of receiving a Standard Query language. Watchword SQL, DBMS, XML, Data, Database. Presentation Standard Query Language (SQL) is today the standard language for social and item social databases. Application programs ordinarily incorporate a moderately huge number of SQL inquiries and updates, which are sent to the Database Management System (DBMS) for execution. The most by and large utilized database the executives frameworks, for example, Oracle, Access, mySQL, SQLserver, Paradox, Ingres, and others, are totally professed to be social. Absolutely, they all utilization SQL which itself is regularly recreated to be a marker of a social database framework. The reason for this paper is to talk about the verifiable point of view of the improvement of SQL and its proceeding with advancement. This article additionally featured the advantages and dangers of embracing a standard question language. This paper depends on audit history of the Standard Query Language and writing on advantage and dangers of embracing SQL. Advancement and current circumstance of the SQL Abreu, (2006) portrayed that the social model came to fruition because of E. Codds inquire about at IBM during the sixties. The SQL, initially named SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language), was actualized in an IBM model (SEQUEL-XRM), during the mid-seventies. A few years after the fact, a subset of this language was actualized in IBMs System-R. In 1979, ORACLE developed as the principal business DBMS dependent on SQL, trailed by a few different items, for example, SQL/DS, DB2, DG/SQL, SYBASE, INTERBASE, INFORMIX, UNIFY. Indeed, even those which had not initially executed SQL as their base question language, offered SQL interfaces, for example, INGRES, ADABAS, SUPRA, IDMS/R. Because of this procedure, Standard Query Language turned into an accepted norm. In late 1982, American National Standards Institute (ANSI) H23 starts to normalize SEQUEL which is adaptation of the social information model through the IBM language. In 1986, renamed SQL by H2, essential SQL was finished and turn into an American National Standard and soon an ISO standard. In 1989, the primary form of the SQL standard was updated and an addendum, which remembered principle upgrades for referential honesty issues, was distributed. In the interim, ANSI drew out a standard for implanted SQL. In the mid nineties, another variant, known as SQL2 or SQL-92, was distributed by ISO. Both the semantic abilities of the language and mistake the board were then impressively improved. That standard was supplemented a couple of years after the fact, with the endorsement of SQL/CLI (Call-Level Interface) and SQL/PSM (Persistent Stored Modules). SQL turned into a total computational language, with highlights, for example, control structures and exemption dealing with. During the last 50% of the nineties, SQL was reached out by the incorporation of article situated capacities. The subsequent standard was isolated into a few sections. This rendition, recently known as SQL3 and afterward at long last called SQL:1999, joined highlights, for example, new essential information types for instance exceptionally huge items, client characterized information types, recursive inquiry administrators, delicate cursors, tables speculation and client jobs. As indicated by Abreu, (2006), The most recent form of the standard is the SQL:2003, which is there are significant amendments and augmentations to most pieces of the SQL:1999 standard. This variant contains SQL/XML which is XML related particulars, new essential information types, for example, bigint, multiset and XML, improvements to SQL-conjured schedules, expansions to the CREATE TABLE proclamation, there are new MERGE articulation, mapping object which is the grouping generator and two new sorts of sections for character and produced. He additionally delivered the Table 1 as sums up the development of SQL. Table 1 Evolution of SQL Year SQL 70s Social model DBMS models (SEQUEL XRM) First social DBMS 80s ANSI SQL-86 norm ISO SQL-87 norm SQL-89 addendum ANSI inserted SQL 90s SQL 92 SQL/CLI SQL/PSM SQL:1999 2003 SQL:2003 Accordingto Wikipedia, thereis another standard created at 2006 and 2008, The SQL:2006 by ISO/IEC 9075-14:2006 which characterizes waysfor SQL for combination with XML. It likewise characterizes how to do putting away and bringing in XML information for SQL, controlling the information on database and distributing SQL information and XML in XML structure. Furthermore, by utilization of Query and XML Query Language, it can incorporate into their SQL code the distributed by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) so as to simultaneously get to conventional SQL-information and XML reports. The most recent standard is SQL:2008, it sanctions ORDER BY outside cursor definitions. It includes INSTEAD OF triggers and the TRUNCATE proclamation. Abreu, (2006) featured the SQL:2003 standard is made out of nine sections, which are quickly portrayed in Table 2. The numeration of parts isn't adjacent because of verifiable reasons: a few sections have vanished, for example, SQL:1999s section 5 SQL/Bindings was remembered for section 2 of SQL:2003 and different parts are new. The last came about either from further parceling of past parts, for example, section 11 was recently remembered for SQL:1999 section 2 or from the execution of new prerequisites, for example, parts 13 and 14, managing Java techniques and XML information, separately. Since the SQL:1999, the SQL standard has advanced, to help the item social worldview. This worldview proposes a decent trade off among social and article situated databases. The previous have a strong information model which is the social one and incredible inquiry improvement, recuperation, security and simultaneousness instruments. The last consolidate object-situated instruments, for example, exemplification, speculation, collection and polymorphism, and permit speaking to progressively complex components which are required in a few areas, for example, CAD, CAM or GIS. Item social databases offer the chance of characterizing classes or theoretical information types, just as tables, essential and remote keys and requirements, as social databases additionally do. Moreover, speculation chains of command can be characterized among classes or tables. Table properties can be characterized in a straightforward space for instance CHAR(25) or in a client characterized class, as a mind boggling number or picture. Table 2 Structure and rundown of the SQL:2003 standard Part Name Depiction 1 System (SQL/Framework) Overviewof the norm. It depicts terms and documentation utilized in different parts. It additionally characterizes the consequence of preparing proclamations in that language and the sentence structure of SQL by a SQL-usage that has been representing in the reasonable system utilized for different parts. 2 Establishment (SQL/Foundation) Thispart portrays the essential procedure on SQL-information and information structures. The practical inquiry, for example, controlling, keeping up, getting to, making, and ensuring SQL-information. It likewise characterizes the semantics and linguistic structure of a database language. It manages the movability of information definitions and accumulation units between SQL-executions and the interconnection of SQL-usage. 3 Call-Level Interface (SQL/CLI) Itdescribes methods to execute SQL explanations inside standard programming language in application composed, such the SQL proclamations will be executed utilize autonomous capacities. 4 Persevering Stored Modules (SQL/PSM) It characterizes how the semantics and punctuation of a database language has been proclaim and keep up diligent database language frameworks in SQL-server modules. 9 The executives of External Data (SQL/MED) Extensionsto Database Language SQL is definedfor bolster the executives of outside information reason by utilizing information interface types and remote information wrappers 10 Item Language Bindings (SQL/OLB) Itdefines SQLJQ, which is portrays augmentations in the Java programming language, for help implanting of SQL explanations into programs composed. The grammar and semanticsof SQLJ depicted by this part, just as components to ensure parallel compactness of coming about SQLJ applications. This part additionally characterizes various Java bundles and their classes. 11 Data and Definition Schema (SQL/Schemata) Thispart characterizes a Definition Schema that portrays the SQL object identifier, the uprightness and structure limitations of SQL-information, the approval and security details related to SQL-information, the highlights, sub-highlights and the help that each of these has in a SQL usage and furthermore bundles of this norm, and an Information Schema. It additionally incorporates SQL-implementationinformation and measuring things. 13 Schedules and Types Using the Java Programming Language (SQL/JRT) Itdescribes the Java programming language on doing ability of conjuring static strategies as SQL-summoned schedules and SQL organized client characterized types for utilizing classes determined in the Java programming language. 14 XML-Related Specifications (SQL/XML) Thispart depicts manners by which SQL additionally can be utilized for combination with XML. SQL Overview Gardner and Hagenbuch (1983) expressed that Relational DBMSs are regularly gotten to by means of an information language. So as to permit the DBMS to streamline gets to the database and to manage issues identified with simultaneous access by various clients, the dialects are commonly elevated level. The SQL is a case of such a language, that can be utilized for that reason. They likewise said that SQL proclamations are non-procedural articulations of what information to recover, for instance the question explanations to recover representative such a

Friday, August 21, 2020

Analysis on Friday Night Lights free essay sample

Its clever when I can watch a film and contrast it with a bit of writing. At the point when you can contrast a film with a book, it implies they share a similar way of thinking. The main contrast is the way each other is seen. None the less, books and motion pictures can in any case have an amazing importance together. Showing the universe of kinship and love through genuine words and realistic creations. Ralph W. Emerson composed his own hypotheses and conclusions . But, he put it in a book to be added a very long time to what's to come. I have perused the book myself and can just imagine how it very well may be contrasted with several motion pictures. One that explicitly rings a bell is the film, Friday Night Lights. This film shares numerous qualities to Emerson himself. For instance, the perspective on incredible desires and the adoration an individual offers with another. In this film, everything has a reason or purpose for it, however the street must be crossed so as to see those reasons. Friday Night Lights is a genuine case of telling the best way to be a companion, indicating what love may intail, figuring out how to encounter life slowly and carefully and building up a decent feeling of good character. Kinship, a word that is best learned through understanding. This film accomplishes more than show kinship, it shows how significant having companions really is. Everyone has a companion, some have a few, yet in a football crew, kinship is solid. These players are tried ordinarily with new difficulties on the football field, additionally, in regular day to day existence. Much the same as when a quarterback cannot finish a pass or an understudy cannot get a passing evaluation, when it makes a difference the most. Once in a while it gets overpowering, so this group knows to be there for each other in an intense time. In a similar respect, kinship assist groups with cooperating. Getting something beyond understudies, however an entire unit. Without this sort of experience, these players might not realize what its want to play at a title level. The Permian Panthers comprehend what its like to contend at this level, due to one colossal x-factor, the mentor. This mentor shows the group that successes on the board and touchdowns at long last zone doesnt bring bliss. Individuals do, with their love towards everyone encompassing them. These players are not just preparing to better their athletic ability, they are accepting a blessing. The endowment of knowledge, perhaps the best endowment of all. This goes route past the sport of football. Companionship is significant outside of the football field. Everybody has issues and we as a whole need somebody to hear them out. At the point when we are pitiful, distraught or even confounded. This is a basic point in numerous people groups life. At the point when all they need is only a companion. Somebody to plunk down and give the truth. For this situation, that is the thing that companions are for. This relates to Emerson from numerous points of view. He accepts that with communicating our friendship, our scholarly and dynamic forces increment. This is an ideal case of a football crew that requirements to show kinship and trust to accomplish a definitive objective. Thinking about each individual in the gathering and where they need to go. On the off chance that each player were in contact with their own side as one, its as though a destructive power meets a steady item. You can continue attempting to separate this group, however it wont move. What a fortuitous event how a similar virtues that are in this film, Emerson imparted to his age during the 1800s. He figured equivalent to we do until this very day, more than 200 years after the fact. Giving the supposition Emerson was path relatively revolutionary. In some cases it sounds girly to show love in a storage space. So folks dont like to utilize the word love. Actually, love is the thing that all of these players share with one another. Yea, of coarse, everything comes in time if your on a football crew. In any case, in the event that you show your actual self, love will be there for everybody to impart to you.. The mentor of this football crew understands that when they get to the greatest round of all, the title game, that life isn't tied in with winning. Its about adoration for your partners, love for the game and in particular, family. This group expected to come to grasps that football would not be there for eternity. Individuals will, the ones you will visit on the special seasons, the companions you will get down on to hang about the end of the week, the mother and father that will consistently be there. The sooner they went to that acknowledgment, the better the group became. The adoration for the game goes past individuals. The enthusiasm everybody endeavors to get or acquire throughout everyday life. A few people simply live for the game, and dont see whatever else however football. Consider when you needed to be a space traveler, or a fireman. This is the thing that its like for some football players. The unqualified Love they have for the game. Its practically like aving limited focus, a dream of enormity and a long savvy venture. Theres likewise the delight of demonstrating love for your partners, an immense solidarity between siblings. Colleagues invigorate the to continue onward. In any event, when the conceivable appears to be incomprehensible, they locate an outlandish method to connect and complete what they have begun. To push forward even against all the chances. The folks you practice with regular going inspiration through themselves to battle more earnestly and win more intelligent. The adoration that will keep going forever is family. In this film, family isnt essentially an incredible thing because of a wide range of interruptions and lost feelings. They all are poor and guardians consider some there kids are disappointments. A portion of these children have decendents, when there father played for a similar group they are playing for the time being. Living with desires that they cannot live up as well. Some attempting to acquire a grant to escape certain day to day environments. With the encounters these children have experienced, these guardians understand that they have the best potential . Seeing the adoration for there kids, an affection that will never leave. Family is the thing that gets this going. They show the great and they show the terrible, yet no one will ever be there for more than your family. Experience is a real existence exercise that accompanies time, It cant simply be instructed. This is actually what these young men realized when they lost is the title game. They discovered that day that triumphant isnt everything . Truth be told, losing at times is equivalent to winning. The group understood that without losing, it is difficult to win. Its a hard street to get to the top, however now those children can say I encountered this in my life. This is the thing that Emerson accepted. That experience should be played out. You cannot state you have gotten the hang of anything easily. .

Thursday, August 13, 2020

7 Ways to Stay Awake at Work Without Caffeine

7 Ways to Stay Awake at Work Without Caffeine Are you struggling to stay alert at work? Are the coffee room and its coffee maker your best friends at work?While a small consumption of caffeine has been found to be beneficial to your health, drinking excess amounts of it can be dangerous. Not to mention that continuous use of caffeine will lower its effectiveness and you’ll have to deal with those inevitable crashes.But how can you stay alert and energetic without it?The good news is that there are many ways to stay awake at work aside from drinking caffeine. In this guide, we’ll introduce you to seven effective and scientific ways to stay energetic and improve your focus. These include:Drinking more waterEating the right energy boosting foodsIncreasing your exposure to lightTaking a walkTalking more with your colleaguesLearning to deep breatheListening to the right kind of musicSo, say goodbye to your caffeine habit at work and learn new ways of boosting energy and focus!STAY HYDRATEDWhen your body is dehydrated, your circul ation slows down and your body’s ability to stay energized is hampered. Simply by not hydrating enough, you might be causing yourself to feel sluggish and tired. It can even impact your mood and you’ll end up, not just tired, but also cranky and unmotivated.This might not just be about drinking less than you should either as office environments could be causing you to dehydrate faster than usual. These environments are often heavily air-conditioned and this can dry out the body faster â€" you might feel colder than usual in the summer and hotter in the winter.Therefore, a simple trick to prevent tiredness is to drink more. And before you pour another cup of coffee, stop!The best drink is water.Keep a glass of water or a bottle of water on your desk at all times. Get into the habit of taking a sip every 15 minutes. You could even use great apps like Plant Nanny and Waterlogged App to help you drink more and to do it regularly. You’d want to aim to drink at least a liter of wate r during your workday (you should aim to 2 liters per day).EAT THE RIGHT FOODSEating can also energize you during a workday. But the key here is to eat the right kinds of foods because food can also have the opposite effect and make you experience the dreaded food slump.You can influence your daily energy by creating the right menu for your breakfast and lunch, including healthier, energizing snacks to your day.A more energetic day begins with the right breakfast. Studies have shown that the right kind of breakfast has an impact on your performance, mood and even the waistline. So, you don’t want to skip it or opt for a muffin from Starbucks on your way to work!Healthy breakfast choices:Lean protein:chicken or turkey slicesboiled or fried eggsbeanscheeseGood Carbs:whole wheatoatsfruitHealthy fats:avocadospeanut butter, nutsWhen it comes to lunch, you’d want to fill your day with more protein and healthy fats to boost your energy. You don’t want to fill your plate with many car bs at this point, as they are bound to make you sluggish. A few good vegetables and a dose of fiber will do.Here are a few great recipe ideas for packed lunch (or you can aim to find these in your cafeteria):Three-bean Pasta SaladTeriyaki Soba SaladChunky Turkey and White Bean SoupWarm Steak, Feta and Artichoke SaladCurried Chicken Salad on FlatbreadMexican-style Sweet PotatoesIf you do feel like snacking during the day, you should focus on low GI snacks. You want vitamin and mineral rich foods because they provide your body with nutrients. They also release energy at a steadier pace and prevent that slump.Low GI SnacksNuts, such as peanuts and almondsFruit, like apple and bananasBerries, such as strawberris and blueberriesEggs and dairy, such as Greek yoghurt and cheeseVegetables, such as carrots, celery, and broccoliAbove all, you want to avoid sugar or starchy vegetables, like potatoes and sweets, during the day. High-GI foods like white bread, instant noodles, crackers and cakes are all to be avoided. They’ll cause slump and bloating, making you feel tired and moody. This group of foods and snacks also includes fizzy and energy drinks â€" it’s best to avoid even the ones with artificial sweetener!MAXIMISING YOUR EXPOSURE TO LIGHTYour body is very susceptive to light and the amount of light exposure you get can have direct consequences on your mood and energy. The body’s internal rhythm called circadian rhythm is affected by light and our bodies automatically start to go in the so-called sleep-mode when light around us decreases.To stay energetic at work, you want to maximize your exposure to light. Here are a few ways to think about doing this:Position your desk rightIf you’re able to rearrange your office space, you should position the desk as close to natural light as possible. Placing it right next to the window and allowing natural light to shine through can help.Go outside during the dayWhenever you have a break, go outside. It doesn’t have to be the sunniest of days, as the sunrays will shine through the clouds and being outside will boost your energy.Opt for artificial lightYou can also improve the amount of natural light you use in your office space. Some lamps mimic sunlight and adding one to your desk can help keep your body alert during the day.GET UP AND GO FOR A WALKYou can instantly boost your energy levels with light exercise. When you get up and start moving, your body’s circulation wakes up and this starts helping the body’s different functions to perform better.In fact, according to a new study, small bursts of exercise are better than caffeine in boosting energy levels and improving motivation.When you start feeling sluggish and tired, you should get up and go for a brisk walk. You could simply walk to the coffee room and back, drinking water on the go. If you have stairs in the office building, walk them up and down. The best option is to go outside, as fresh air adds to the benefits.If can’t go fo r a walk, simply standing up and doing a few lunges can help. You could also lift your knees as high towards your chest as you can one at a time.You can find other tips to exercise in the office from the YouTube video below: STRIKE UP A CONVERSATIONSometimes you can get a lot of energy when you spend some time talking to other people. We are social animals and if we spend a lot of our time sitting behind our computers, we can start feeling fatigue and loneliness.The key to an invigorating conversation is to pick a topic that’s not related to what you are doing at work. You also don’t want to pick a boring mundane topic.A creative and challenging topic can get your mind moving and your body alert. This could be a business or project idea or a political topic â€" although you definitely don’t want to get into any office arguments here!Now, it’s important to point here that some people might feel tired and fatigued because they have to spend all day talking to people. People in professions where you’re almost constantly talking and interacting with others face-to-face might find it helpful to do just the opposite â€" to go and spend some time alone during the day.Just being able to let your mind be can boost your energy. You can even try the next tip and practice deep breathing while you’re having a break.PRACTICE DEEP BREATHINGWhen you’re feeling extremely tired, then taking a moment to breathe and sit still might sound like the last thing you should do! You might just go straight to napping, right?But deep breathing can actually help you feel more alert. When you’re deep breathing, your body’s blood oxygen level increases. This slows your heart rate and blood pressure, improving circulation. The result is a mind that’s more focused and body that feels energetic.Here’s a simple deep breathing exercise for you to try at your desk when you feel out of energy:Step 1Sit up straight and place one hand on your belly just below the ribs. Put your other hand on your chest.Step 2Inhale deeply through your nose. Let your belly push your hand out gently. Your chest should not move.Step 3Breathe out through your lips, as if you were trying to whistle. If you want, you can use the hand resting on your belly to push the air out.Step 4Repeat the inhale and exhalee ten times.The key is to inhale to the abdomen and not the chest.LISTEN TO UPBEAT MUSICYou can also combat sluggishness by listening to some music. Upbeat music has been found to release feel-good hormones in your brain and these will boost your mood and alertness.In a MindLab study, 9 out of 10 people were found to work better when they were listening to music. It can have a positive impact on your productivity and focus. The test also found that different types of music can have slightly different outcomes. So, it does matter what kind of music you play!Check out the below video for more about the study and its findings: One way that music can work involves its ability to help you stay focused. Even though you might be tired, the ambient sounds in the background can help you stop focusing on this tiredness. Time will flow by faster and you end up getting more things done without knowing it!TIME TO DITCH THE CAFFEINE FOR NON-CAFFEINE SOLUTIONSCaffeine is not a great long-term solution to gaining more energy. If you can’t survive without it, you will have to start looking at your sleeping patterns and increasing the number of hours you sleep.But you can also try the above non-caffeine solutions to boost your energy levels during the day. These scientifically backed solutions can help you be more productive and motivated without a cup of coffee.So, pick your ideal solution and try them the next time you find yourself reaching for that coffeepot. By testing out different methods, you’ll find the solutions that work for you.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Proposed Staff Management For New Dunkins Donuts Locations - 1375 Words

A Proposed Staff Management For Five New Dunkins Donuts Locations (Essay Sample) Content: Institutional AffiliationHuman Resource Management PracticesDateIntroductionDunkin Donuts is a world-leading fast food establishment. It has shops in more than 30 countries worldwide and has more than 10,000 outlets. It has been operational for more than 60 years. It is famous for its coffee and different types of donuts. They also sell more than coffee and donuts some other items sold include other beverages, e.g., iced tea and milkshake, burgers, snacks, sandwiches. I have been working for one of the Dunkin Donuts franchisee who owns 20 Dunkin Donuts locations and wants to open five new outlets. I am to be the new manager. My exceptional knowledge, skills, and experience have made me successful in the management and the general operations. It has lead to the highest profits, growth, and excellent asset utilization. The success in the new locations is guaranteed as I plan on following the below steps in coming up with best workforce and ways to retain them.Job design It involves identifying the different tasks and organizing them into various task groups. They are usually related or have something in common. Some of the questions I will have to ask myself when coming up with the different post and determining the responsibilities of each task group will be; What are the task needed to be completed for each of the position, how each activity will be performed, how long each job takes to be completed and the order which the tasks should be performed.Job design helps in achieving the organizational goals and employee satisfaction. Techniques which will be applied will include job rotation which is the rotation or the circling of the workers in the different section or department of the fast food. It will ensure that in case of shortage of workers or during the off-peak there won't be tasks that will be left unattended. It will also help cut the cost by retaining few productive workers with versatile skills set who can multi-task, e.g., a hostess ca n be a server and vice versa. Job enrichment involves coming up with jobs that are more challenging which will help keep the employee interested and motivated. It also gives them a sense of belonging and avoiding repetition while assigning the duties to the different employees. It will help cut the cost a great deal. Job enlargement will enable.While job designing I ensured that I check the work overload and work under load, that the tasks aren't repetitive, have defined the work process, that have explained the working hours and have ensured that the employee will not remain isolated. The advantage of coming up with a job design is it helps fill the right person with the right job vacancy, assists in analyzing training and development needs and help answer questions like who to do the training, when to do it, the content of training, the type of training: behavioral or technical ,it helps in performance evaluation and appraisal, it helps in determining the compensation package fo r a particular job group, assists in the recruiting process and help explain what is needed to be done to consider a specific task accomplished.Organizational designIt is the hierarchal arrangement of authority, communication path, duties and rights in an organization. It helps improve efficiency, makes management easy, helps in the differentiation by coming up with different departments and indicates who are in charge and it helps in integration which is the linking the various units to form a whole functional group. The cashier is responsible for manning the cash register. At the end of each shift, they hand in the cash to the account manager who reconciles the necessary reports. Accounts manager will be responsible for the preparation of daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly reports and reports to the manager of the establishment.The hostess/host will be responsible for welcoming the guests. The service crew will take the orders from the customer, rely them to the kitchen by use of the point of sale machine and finally pick the food from the kitchen to the customer. They will also bill them. The steward team will be responsible for the cleanliness of the establishment. The human resource manager will be in charge of whole staff and will report to the establishment manager. The shift supervisor will be in charge of the day to day operations .During the shift they will ensure that the activities are running without a glitch. The various head of the several departments will report to the shift supervisor who reports to the establishment manager. The establishment managers will report to me, the general manager. I will report to the executive management of the locations. This report will include all the financial statements, detailed information about the staffs of all the five locations, the general state of the five new outlets and suggestions on what can be done to increase productivity in the future.Recruiting and selectionRecruitment is securing workforce to fill in the vacant post to ensure the smooth running of the day to day activities. It is a very crucial stage. Dunkin Donuts worldwide has an official website. Posting of the vacancies on this site is the most efficient way to reach an enormous population. It will include a brief description of the job. It also contains the benefits information. Those interested will check out the positions available on the company website. They can then fill in the application form for the position that best match with their knowledge and skills. Which when filled will be submitted. The application will be screened, and an email sent to those who qualify to invite them to a video chat or phone pre-interview. A formal interview will then follow. At this point, the potential employees will be interviewed and will help confirm if what was in the application form is accurate. The offering of an employment contract in duplicate is the next step .if they agree to the terms and conditions of the agreemen t they will sign it. Then after this, the successful candidates proceed to orientation and training. The whole process must follow both the national labor laws but also the company rule on employment.Training and performance appraisalsWhile doing the training, the first step will be to determine the knowledge and skills needed to perform a particular task. Constant monitoring and adaptation of technological changes are mandatory. Training is to be done by experts .e.g. old workforce train a novice servers also special care must be taken when choosing the trainer...